One Tree Hill Season 4 Episode 20

Graduation finally arrives, but while Lucas holds Dan at gun-point accusing him of murdering Keith, his pregnant mother, Karen, has collapsed and must be brought to hospital to deliver a girl. Nathan believes that nobody will ever take him into another basketball team and goes for a manual labor job in Skill's dads steel factory team. Brooke happily with Chase, although they'll be separated after summer, and finds the courage to tell the principal about cheating at maths, yet is allowed to graduate. When Nathan asks his dad just to believe that he's innocent, Dan chokes: he can't. Lucas is convinced to attend graduation while Karen is in a stable condition at the hospital, but suddenly she has a crisis; Haley's valedictorian speech is also cut short. Coach ponders his an Nathan's options and comes up with a way out of town and out of trouble.

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