CSI: Miami Season 7 Episode 1

Told that Horatio, Kyle and Julia are dead, the team is determined to find out how. Blood on the plane belonged to convict Brett Hansen's, killed the day before. It is traced to Miguel Diaz, recently released from prison. Miguel, a Juan Ortega ammo gang member, confesses to taking a picture to stage the murder. The team believes that agent Evan Caldwell killed Horatio, but Ryan confirms his protestations that he is following secret orders: from Horiatio, who protects Kyle at any cost, calling markers to trap evil step-dad Ron Saris. On a gangland ride, a virtual death sentence unless he talks, Ortega claims the power balance is shifting. He escapes during a money transport hold-up using fused alloy ammo by a Crypt King, proof other gangs are already supplied. Undercover ATF agent Jake Berkeley is involved.
