Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 21

Spencer is finally ready to talk, but Emily is not so ready to accept what she has to say. Will she heed Spencer's warnings or will Emily go off to find her own answers down a path "A" has designed for her? Hanna, on the other hand, is preoccupied with helping her mother after Ashley is involved in a hit-n-run accident. Now having a new secret to hide, Hanna wonders if "A" had something to do with it after all. With Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are now really afraid does "A" have them right where they want them? Meanwhile, Aria has to come to terms with Ezra's new life with Malcolm.

  • upstream Upstream Play in Flash
  • upstream Upstream Play in Flash

Watch Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Air Date: 26 February 2013
Director: Melanie Mayron
Runtime: 60 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Teo Briones, Tanya Fairfoot, Lucy Hale, Riccardo LeBron, Shay Mitchell
