CSI: Miami Season 4 Episode 22

Honeymooner Mike Harris is eaten alive by sharks, unusual in Miami waters, despite cruise captain Quentin Taylor's attempt to shoot them. First mate Keith Murray's uniform shoe print is found near where Mike must have been pushed. His wife Gwen Creighton reports $70,000 missing from their safe- using her card which is not missing but has ship magician Barry Judd's fingerprints. The glass was drugged with tranquilizers by Gwen's daughter Mandy, 16, so she could spend time with Keith Murray, an adult lover scorned by her father. Blood traces belong to missing Rebecca McLaine, restrained but escaped, suspected carrier of aviary flu, later found in the ship's waste deck, strangled with a strap. Meanwhile FBI agent Robert Wynn investigates the Delkos, as Horatio fears to damage CSI.

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