NCIS Season 4 Episode 9

Mc'Gee's restless writing night turns nightmarish when his under-age sister Sara turns up, with bloody hands and a constantly changing story. She's drunk and never could hold her liquor, but is the part she murdered someone without remembering who or why also imagined, or a recollection from a 4 hours black-out? Alas, the fatally stabbed corpse which NCIS investigates on Waverly, her college campus, is that of USS Enterpise seaman Jeff Petty, who dumped Sara for a cheerleader a year earlier. Her cellphone on the corpse puts Gibbs on that trace, and betrays Tim's (dis)loyal silence. She flees, while clues pile up against her or an accident, then returns to the library and gives away Tim's murder novel-writing to the team. Tony has an uncharacteristic dating problem.

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