NCIS Season 3 Episode 6

While US Marine Carr is in Iraq, his wife Jamie Carr is murdered by a masked intruder: her throat slit during one of her performances on line, which McGee saw but assumed a bad snuff movie. She ran the porn site from her bedroom as 'Rain' with her partner Leanne Roberts. Leanne's husband, USMC sergeant Jake Roberts, is also in Iraq, and young, badly paid webmaster Carter Finch, who lives in his mother's basement. Abby is not amused to get neither a raise nor equipment, but an assistant, even though Charles Sterling proves quite nice and interested. Tony is apparently in love with Monica and spoils her rotten. Leanne is found in a car, her throat slit posthumously. Neighbor Bart Powell, a female soldier's husband, is attacked by sergeant Roberts as if he is the killer. Although Abby sees his face as a voyeur on the Carr video, and he admits an affair and blackmail, he has an alibi for Leanne's murder...

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