One Tree Hill Season 4 Episode 3

Derek makes a cool first impression on chaperon Lucas and half-sister Peyton. Nathan is back in Tre Hill High-school and focused on the Ravens team, which desperately needs his superior talent to make up for a miserable start of the Senior's and coach's last shot at a seasonal state title- he flies like a god, until drowning nightmares make him miss a throw and mentally melt down for the rest of the first period. Brooke is in state of open war with Peyton, so she kisses Derek at the victory pool party she throws at Rachel's. Lucas says he's trough with Brooke, Mouth is just drunk (?) and depressed. Dan's Keith-nightmare continues, even make him consider suicide. Haley's sulking about Nathan's absent mind and talking to Rachel makes him explain it's the idea Keith pulled him out, normal according to Peyton; they kiss up.

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