NCIS Season 5 Episode 4

When Duckie performs an educational autopsy, the cadaver's brain leaks a trace of murder: injected mercury. The victim is an unidentified black man, presumably a drunk drifter circa 50 years old, with plenty of scars and tattoos, suggesting a prison past; the Army doctor, Jordon Hampton, swamped in corpses, missed it all. Gibbs' NCIS team goes to Highland Beach, where he was found, and bumps into FBI Special Agent Courtney Krieger, who tells it was Marvin Hinton: he was working with the Bureau after six years in jail, had his previous identity Frederic LeClair erased expertly, she was after the Eraser, expecting he would be contacted to get a new identity. Krieger seems to pull Tony out of his romantic lethargy, but Ziva thinks her compulsive neatness fits the profile of the killer. Gibbs learns from her superior, Senior FBI Agent T.C. Fornell, that the Eraser is only known by the name Kamal Konkani...

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