Batman Season 2 Episode 24

Hoping to obtain the Batcave's bat-diamond, Marsha searches for a new potion to use on the Caped Crusaders. Batman and Robin do some searching of their own and arrive at the criminal's hideout. But after Marsha douses them with her concoctions, the villainess seems to have a unique bargaining chip - two tiny caped toads - with which to gain Commissioner Gordon's help in locating the Batcave.

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Watch Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds
Air Date: 24 November 1966
Director: James B. Clark
Language: English
Runtime: 24 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Adam West, Burt Ward, Alan Napier, Neil Hamilton, Stafford Repp, Madge Blake, Carolyn Jones, Woody Strode, Estelle Winwood
