The Twilight Zone Season 1

A collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but often have a wicked sense of humor and an unexpected twist.

"Сумеречная зона" | "Ai confini della realtà" | "Além da Imaginação" | "Alacakaranlik kusagi" | "Alkonyzóna" | "I zoni tou lykofotos" | "La cinquième dimension" | "La quatrième dimension" | "Más allá de los límites de la realidad" | "Obmocje somraka" | "Pelon rajalla" | "Strefa mroku" | "The New Twilight Zone" | "Unbekannte Dimensionen" | "Zona crepusculara"

Watch The Twilight Zone Season 1
Release: September 1985
Director: Rod Serling
Language: English
Runtime: 45 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Robin Ward, Charles Aidman
