The Red Cell (2008)

A terminally ill patient, wakes up in a dark, decrepit underground chamber. An IV pumps an unknown liquid into his body and adorning his head is a crown of wires. His last memories lead him back to the hospital where doctors had recently discovered his illness. He didn't even have enough time to inform those closest to him of his untimely death sentence before ending up here. Behind the walls someone is lurking, and Ayden soon finds out that a psychotic killer, bent on performing strange, immoral medical experiments, is holding him captive. But there's more to this man than meets the eye, as Ayden will learn in time. What starts out as a sadistic medical experiment quickly becomes an excruciating race for Ayden to survive both his captor and his illness long enough to simply tell his shrouded family goodbye.

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Watch The Red Cell
Release: April 2008
Director: Chris Schwartz
Language: English
Runtime: 87 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Janet Green, Chris Schwartz, Donovan Schwartz, Bob Strouse, Brett Wilson
