Round Ireland with a Fridge (2010)

Round Ireland with a Fridge: Slightly more than 10 years ago, comedian and minor pop star Tony Hawks hitch-hiked round Ireland with a fridge, for reasons that have never been made entirely clear (although it was almost certainly something to do with a drunken bet!). In the wake of the success of his book on the matter (which sold half a million copies) and other bestsellers including Playing the Moldovans at Tennis, he decided that the movies would be his next challenge. When Brendan Fraser unexpectedly dropped out of the lead role Tony Hawks himself stepped into his shoes, and so he stars in the film of his own book

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Watch Round Ireland with a Fridge
Release: September 2010
Director: Ed Bye
Language: English
Runtime: 0 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: John Basham, John Burke, Donal Cox, Brendan Dempsey, Stephen Denver, Tony Hawks, Valerie O'Connor, Susan Paterno, Jack Walsh
