Green Corn (2012)

The Greencorn family has lived in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains for generations, but with farming no longer an option, the best chance for survival has become the clandestine ...

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Children of the CornChildren of the CornChildren of the Corn: GenesisChildren of the Corn III: Urban HarvestChildren of the Corn II: The Final SacrificeThe Corn Is GreenChildren of the Corn 666: Isaac's ReturnChildren of the Corn V: Fields of TerrorChildren of the Corn: The GatheringCharlotte Moon Mysteries: Green on the Greens

Watch Green Corn
Release: December 2012
Director: Brian Cagle
Language: English
Runtime: 102 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Stella Parton, Mary Katherine Rowe, David Masters, Jeff Ailshie, Jerry Foster, Eligiah Thornton, Greg Hayworth, Jeff Atkins, Erin Libby
